
The story of Nabi Adam a.s

Paradise is completely delicious
Any pleasure in it. All available whatever she wants, without any effort to get it. It is indeed a very beautiful place and lovely, a dream of every human being. So according to history, when Allah SWT. finished creating the universe and other beings, it also created his Adam 'alaihissalam as a human being first. It placed the venerable servant of Allah in Paradise (Jannah).
Adam lived alone and alone, without having a friend too. He walked to the left and right, facing the high ceiling, to spread far across the earth, Nor the things he had seen the like of creatures except birds flying thither, while romp freely in space, singing, whistling, as if showing affection.
Enticed Adam to see it, so long berkeadaan. But the really poor, who am a friend on earth who want to be invited. He felt lonely, long time already. He lives in Paradise like the confusion, there is no pair that will be persuaded to make out as the birds he saw.
Nothing except their daily work just lounging, relaxing wind-wind in the beautiful scenic Paradise Park, which is covered by a variety of fragrant flowers are fragrant, under which the tributaries flow branches, the rustle of the water like plant contains longing.
Adam lonely
Anything that was in the Paradise are all delicious! But whatever the meaning of everything that the heart is always restless, restless in the lonely alone? That's the only perceived deficiency in the Paradise of Adam. He needs to be something, namely the kind of friend who will accompany in the infinite pleasure. Sometimes if longing to come, he fell under the shade trees for entertainment, listening to the birds singing bersahut-replication, but how sad pity ... instead of the heart find peace, even more wounded. If the wind was blowing breeze where the damp leaves and graceful moves mendesirkan faint sound, then terkesanlah in his heart of compassion that is so profound; felt as pain in the behind the inner God-given pleasure to him.
But even so, it seemed as embarrassed Adam complained to God Almighty does. However, even though Adam as embarrassed to complain, God Almighty himself omniscient and sees what is hidden in the hearts of His servants. Therefore, Allah Almighty wants to dispel the loneliness of Adam.
Hawa was created
When Adam was in the top of longing and desire to get a friend, he was again sitting pensively on the seat cushion is covered with luxurious tapestry, then suddenly came ngantukpun immediately took him captive and natural drift into sleep.
Adam was fast asleep, oblivious to anything around him. In such moments that convey the revelation of Allah to the angel Gabriel to lift the rib of Adam as the left side. What about people who are drugged, Adam did not feel anything when the ribs are removed by the angel Gabriel
And by the power of Divine Manifestation who wants something to happen when enough said "Kun" is created Hawa from Adam's rib as, as the inhabitants of Paradise and the second man as a complementary gift bestowed on Adam as the desire of a friend where he could make out and frolic .
Meeting of Adam and Hawa
Hawa sat leaning on a soft cushion on the seat of gold and encrusted with magnificent gems manikam quality, while fascinated attention to the brightness of the face of a man who was lying, not far in front of him.
Items in mind that menggelombang Hawa bosom as if the currents of electricity that comes knocking on the hearts of Adam, who immediately accepted it as a memorable dreams in an instant picture of his soul.
Adam woke up ....! He was surprised when he saw no human beings like himself just a few steps in front of him. He seemed to believe in his vision. He was still lying rubbed his eyes a few times to make sure what he was seeing.
Hawa was created complete with feelings of shame, immediately turned around just to hide the hills on his chest, while sending mixed with spoiled sweet smile, accompanied by a glance at the view from the corner of the eye that gives a ray of hope for the heart of the beholder.
Hawa was made to the shape and form a perfect face. He was decorated with the beauty, sweetness, beauty, loveliness, delicacy, gentleness, compassion, purity, motherhood and all the properties are commendable keperibadian beside the charming shape of her body and captivate the hearts of the beholders.
She is a beautiful woman who graced the heaven, that her beauty would be handed down later in the day, and there is beauty daripadanyalah then passed on to the women who come behind.
A.s Adam was no less dashing and handsome. Found no flaw in him because he is the only human beings are created by God directly without the mediation.
All the beauty that is destined for a man raised him. It's also good looks inherited from generation to generation to the people behind it as a gift from Allah to His creatures who hold a man. Even reported that one day all the inhabitants of Paradise will be raised by the reflection of light as a way Adam
Adam rose from his bed, fixing his seat. He opened his eyes, watched with a keen eye. He realized that the stranger in front of him was not a fleeting shadow of view, but is really a fact of human beings who have a physical form such as himself. He was sure he was not mistaken view. He knows that people like him, which differ only sex only. He was immediately able to make the conclusion that the creature in front of him were women. He realized that that's the kind of missed. His heart was glad, thankful, praising bertahmid Substance Creator. He laughed at that beautiful girl, who blushed as she greeted her head with no direct view, a view that reveals what is tucked away in his heart.
Adam hooked
Adam hooked on Hawa's face is beautiful, a beauty like maidens in Paradise. God planted a pure romance and sexual desire in the hearts of Adam as well as making it one of the most fun dilamun love, which no unmatched in history, the love story of two beings in the Paradise. Adam is destined to fall in love with the daughter of the most beautiful of all that is beautiful, the most beautiful of all that is beautiful and the most fragrant of all that is fragrant.
Adam as prompted by the heart in order to seduce Hawa. He exclaimed: "Alas, O the beautiful, whomever this lover? Where does datangmu, and to whom thou here? "His voice was polite, gentle, and affectionate. "I'm Hawa," greeted kindly. "I'm from the Creator!" His voice was instantly stunned. "I'm I'm I, made for you!" Pressure to convince her voice.
No sound was beautiful and semerdu although many beautiful melodious voice and be heard at any time in Paradise. But the voice of Hawa .... never heard a voice so beautiful that comes out of her tiny lips were beautiful. Miss his voice raised, his movement causing morale.
The words of the freshest heard Adam was when Hawa said haltingly: "I'm I'm I, made for you!" These words were delicious, adding to the intimacy of Adam to Hawa.
Adam realized that the blessings that come from God and cintapun comes from God. He knows that Allah is beautiful, love the beauty. So, if you love the beauty berartilah also love for God. So love is not a sin but rather a service. By recognizing the love of God makrifat deepening. Love to Hawa means the love of the Creator. With this belief as to pick up Adam Hawa by saying: "My love, to let you!" Her voice was soft, full of romance.
"I'm embarrassed!" Said Hawa as if it refused. His hands, his head, gesturing as he refused to look at Adam with amazement. "If you are like me, that thou art here!" Her voice is like the rhythm as if to give hope. Adam did not hesitate. He pedaled manly step came Hawa. So since that's become customary that the woman was visited, not visited.
Hawa rose from his seat, moved a few steps backwards. He realized that although he is for Adam, namunlah must have certain conditions. Within his soul, he can not deny that he also was fascinated and attracted to Adam's face was beautiful.
Adam a.s not despair. He knows it's not a sin. He knows to read the content of the liver. He knew Hawa instead of refusing, but it is indeed an act menghindarnya fair ashamed of the attitude of a virtuous girl. He knew that behind the "shame" terselit "taste like". Consequently, he believes in himself that Hawa was assigned to him. Insaninya raging instincts. When he was about to close on the Hawa and reached out his sacred to him, then suddenly there was a supernatural call exclaims: "O Adam .... resist you. Pergaulanmu with Hawa is not lawful unless the dowry and marriage ". Adam was stunned, back into place with flesh. Hawa was to hear the rebuke and peaceful heart.
Both men Paradise equally silent as if waiting for orders.

Marriage of Adam and Hawa
Allah SWT. The Merciful to improve physical and spiritual pleasure to the two servants who need each other, immediately ordered the fairy girls Paradise residents to decorate and entertain the bride and brought her jewels Paradise. Meanwhile, the angel also commanded the sky to gather together under the tree "Syajarah Thuba", witnessed the marriage of Adam and Hawa.
It is reported that the marriage covenant that Allah SWT. said: "All praise belongs to me, all greatness is my clothes, all the splendor of the decorations and all my creatures are My servant and under my power. Being saksilah O ye angels and the inhabitants of heaven and Paradise that I married Hawa to Adam, both of my creations with a dowry, and let both bertahlil and bertahmid to Me ".
Angel and the angel came
After the ceremony finished berdatanganlah the angels and the angels spread Yaqut pearls and diamonds glittering jewels to the bride and groom are great. Contract completion ceremony, diantarlah Adam as a wife in a magnificent palace that they will live.
Hawa demanding their rights. Rights which God prescribed in the first place. "Where's dowry," he asked. He refused to touch before giving dowry is paid first.
Adam a.s instantly confused. Then realized that to be willing to accept. He was aware that such rules shall be first in the association of life.
Now he already has a friend. Among his fellow comrades must have each other and accept each other. Giving the first to receive halal marriage is dowry. Therefore Adam Hawa
realize that demands to receive the dowry is correct.
Marriage Dowry

Association of life is friendship! And relationships between men with the women will turn into a marriage if accompanied by a dowry. And now if the form of dowry to be given? That's what Adam was thinking.
For out of doubt, Adam exclaimed: "Divine, Rabbi! What could I would give him? Emaskah, intankah, silver or gems ". "No!" Says the Lord. "What servant would fast or prayer or hymn to Thee for her dowry?" Adam asked expectantly. "No!" Said the unseen voice. Adam still, mententeramkan soul. Then beg with diligence: "Then your servant tunjukilah way out!".
Allah SWT. said: "Hawa
Dowry is sholawat ten times to my Prophet, the Prophet who would be awakened, which carry a statement of my properties: Muhammad, diamond ring from the prophets' and the cover and the prince of all the Apostles. Say ten times ".
A.s Adam was relieved. He made ten times sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. as a dowry to his wife. A dowry is a spiritual value, because the Prophet Muhammad is rohmatan lil 'alamin (mercy for all of nature).

Hawa listened to and accepted it as a dowry. "Hi Adam, Hawa now I
lawful right you", the command of God, "and it can be it as your wife". Thank Adam and his wife entered the room with the greeting. Hawa was greeted with all the openness and a sincere love of Allah SWT. said to them: "O Adam, you shut up with your wife in Paradise and eat (and enjoy) what you both want, and do not approach this tree because both (if approached), both of you would be unjust". (Al-A'raf: 19). With this marriage of Adam no longer feel lonely in Paradise. This is the first romance and marriage in the history of mankind, and takes place in the Paradise of bliss. which is a grand wedding that was attended by the angels, jinns and witnessed by the angels.
Adam and Hawa wedding event occurred on Friday. God knows how long they stay in heaven, only Allah knows. Then they were ordered down to earth. Down to earth to spread the offspring that will be devoted to God with the promise of Paradise is still available at a later date for the servants who believe and do pious.
Word of Allah SWT.: "We said: Get thee down from the Paradise. Then if it comes my instructions to you, then whoever follows My guidance, there is surely no fear come upon them, and not (also) they grieve. "(Al-Baqarah: 38).

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