
Allah is Guarantee Windfalls

Allah, Substance Mahapeka to all needs, track their hearts, hopes, and desires His servants. Nothing is spared in the calculation of Allah. Surely, Allah already knows everything. Only to Allah rests all hope, a place for us to fine-tune every blessing, to abolish all sin, and hide any embarrassment.
Brother, let us think and reflect; only
Allah, the only substance that creates the stomach. Thus, Allah is to know the needs of our stomach; when hungry (takes food). It is Allah who creates a feeling of tired, so we have a break. Thus, Allah bestowed upon us a sense of sleepiness. Subhanallah.
It is
Allah who created our bodies sweat and odors, so we need a bath. This means, we need the provision of water. It was, if we do not sweat and keep clean, we will not need water for bathing.
It is
Allah who created the cold temperatures, so we need sustenance in the form of heated clothing. It is Allah who created the heavy rain and hot sun, so we need a house for shelter provision. In our homes can be safe from exposure to heat and cold grip.
Meditate, only
Allah who created man and the most knowledgeable of all our needs. Hence also, only Allah is the only substance that can meet our needs, for he knew all those needs more than our own. Only Allah, too, who opens all the way up to fortune was down to us.
While the food is more expensive than all of them is the provision of "food" for our spiritual. We have not enough food, clothing, and shelter if our hearts are not peaceful. We simply do not have this luxury home when the heart is not calm. We need food for our hearts. We need
Allah's grace that allows us to enjoy the episode no matter what happens in this life. We need guidance and directions, in order to clear the purpose of life.
Ever occurred to us, lest we go every day, but do not know the purpose of our lives. It's unfortunate. We have lived so long, but we do not understand what we live for this. Funny, is not it?
Therefore, we need a differentiator (Furqan), between right and falsehood. We need to make us excited taufik in worship, and sincere in charity. We need the wisdom that revealed the secret behind every event there. We need the security of the hustle and bustle, of the happening or not happening, or of being and not. We need sustenance to understand the various events that occurred. Is it? Sustenance in the form of solid faith in
Allah, that we realize that all this belongs to Allah, not ours.
Really, we need the sustenance of such conviction. Why? If we feel the world belongs to us, we will be much afraid of losing. If we feel the world belongs to someone, we are so afraid do not miss out. We need confidence that everything belongs to
All of this is higher than the outward sustenance. What good food means that the heart feel sick (nausea)? What does it mean to have a large house, but his narrow? What it means to be a lot of money but their hearts the poor? What it means to be a beautiful appearance but his heart is rotten? We need both. So who's able to meet all our needs, besides Allah? No, does not it?
Surprisingly, when we are still a lot of people are under the poverty line, people are more busy being stingy, and it is difficult charity. In fact, it was
Allah's will distribute sustenance to whomever He wills, without limit. That is, if we need food, ask Allah. Look at the baby, when hunger approached him, he cried, and got a provision of breast milk.
Another case when he was growing up and being of children, "Mama, hungry!."
"Take it yourself!" His mother said.
Why, why now does not work anymore with a whimper, and cry again like before? Why? 
Allah had given him knowledge, age, strength, and experience so that he met with his food ration. Surely, Allah created all creatures have their sustenance.
Ah, dear friend! Just look at the provision of an eaglet. Early in the morning, she flew to find food for her and her children. With the sharpness of his eyes, just a fly, a flash and then dived, he ambushed a caterpillar on a branch. Later, he flew back to the nest, to see his son who was unable to fly. Then, visit the child's eagles with sustenance in the form of a caterpillar.
As another example, if we observe the provision of ants. Please hide a piece of cake in a locked drawer, unknown to the father, mother, and sister. Do not be surprised if suddenly swarming ants that cake. Why did the ants get to know the location of the cake? It is
Allah who gives out, through the nerves of smell is so sharp.
It is said, at one time there was a cleric who wants to prove, "It does not guarantee Rezeki Allah is Supreme and Sufficient every need?"
Allah , not ourselves are not sure of Thee, O Allah, but I want to know how you ensure the provision of His servants. I believe you, but if you show guarantee you, I would be more certain of Thee. It I do not doubt thy faith. I will go into the woods, and I wanted to prove whether you still guarantee my fortune in the wilds of the woods there, "he murmured in my heart.
He then walked down the forest wilderness, when it was there in the jungle, he felt thirsty and hungry his stomach. He then held it. Not mistaken, much in the grove of trees and shrubs, it appears there was a group of mountaineers who would otherwise avoid, would bump into her. Hide it into the bushes. Just walked in the bush, rain pouring down so that forced him to flee to a cave entrance is right there under the cliffs, next to his hideout. Run it to the scholars there. It turned out that the climbers were run for protection to the same cave.
"Well, ya serious, if this should pretend to faint," murmured the cleric.
Then, pretending to sleep on the cleric.
"Well there are people passed out, here." The climbers who found the cleric who was unconscious in the cave was very surprised, they swiftly get ready to help.
"It could be he's hungry, try to check the mouth and stomach".
"Then, I'll shut up," he whispered to himself. Then, with a vengeance the clerics are trying to close their mouth.
"Yeah, hard to open his mouth up, let's try to open force. Prepare water and food for him," said the hikers. Thus, the cleric's dipaksalah to be drinking a few sips of water and chew a few pieces of bread. Allahu Akbar. Indeed, if we are too stupid not convinced with the assurance of
Well, friend. As if it wanted to secure sustenance,
Allah had promised. "Wamayyatawakkallah fahua hasbu". [Q.S. At THALAQ (65): 3].Whoever is her round, with no gaps, no cracks, no holes at all. Round, total, full, his heart to Allah, will be satisfied all his needs. Subhanallah. So, luckily for anyone who earnestly and purpose of his life to Allah. Only Allah is the purpose of everything. Only Allah is the guarantor provision of any of His servants.

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