
Sensitive to Time

Delay waiting for his good deeds for a better opportunity is a sign of ignorance that affects the soul (Ibn Atha'ilah) Surely the time will judge the people who use it. When we waste time, then the time will make us one in vain.
When one considers the time is not valuable, then the time will make us human beings are worthless. Similarly, when we honor the time, then the time will make us the noble. Therefore, the quality of a person seen from the way he treats the time.
Allah confirms that the loss was not the one who loses money, titles or awards. Person's loss is the people who are wasting the opportunity to have faith, charity and counsel to advise (QS Al Asher [103]: 1-3).
Delaying charity
The first feature of the losers is like putting off doing good. Ibn Athailah call it a sign of stupidity, "Although our good deeds for a better opportunity waiting for a sign of ignorance that affects the soul.
Why do people procrastinate?
First, he was deceived by the world. He felt there was something else that is much valuable than necessary to do. But ye (unbelievers) to choose the worldly life. Being the life hereafter is better and more lasting. Thus the word of Allah in Surah Al A'laa [87] paragraphs 16-17.Second, deceived by laziness. Lazy is a very dangerous disease. Lazy people will never achieve the glory of the world and the hereafter. There is no cure laziness most efficacious drugs, in addition to break it to charity.
Third, the weak will and determination, so it does not mean it in charity. One was the continued delay. Poet poetry, Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Also, time is very precious, so do not be spent except for something that is worthless.
Not time-sensitive
The second feature, is not sensitive to time. Islam commands us to be sensitive to time. In no less than a day and night we are required to pray five times. Day and night, five times Allah SWT reminds us of the time. Prayers will increase its primacy when done in the mosque, in congregation and on time. Therefore, those who establish the prayer, must have good time management.
Indeed, we will only attention to something we consider important. Similarly with time. If we think of time as the most important asset, then we will be very sensitive and attention to it. We would not be willing for one moment of time elapsed in vain. People who are concerned about the look of intensity at the clock. He is often looked at the clock. He was so calculated, so that it works effectively and tend to excel. Research shows the person's concern with time, the more meaningful and effective life. He was more likely to achieve success.
That successful people do not just have the speed, but he has speed. That speed is constant or fixed, while accelerating it shows the change per time unit. This means that successful people always make improvements. Today should be better than yesterday. This is similar to the words of the Prophet Muhammad that lucky person is always better today than yesterday. As with the one constant; today the same as yesterday. The Apostle calls it the loss. While people who are worse today than yesterday called wretch.
My brother, who has the acceleration, the relationship between the achievement by the time of his life shows the curve L. In minimum time, he gets the maximum performance. That's Prophet Muhammad. Although he was only 63 years old, but he has a lasting achievement. Similarly friends and other great people. It all started with a sensitivity to time. (KH Abdullah Gymnastiar)

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