
How To Enable File Server in Windows Server 2003

1. Click Start then select Manage Your Server and then click Add or Remove a Role then click Next. On the Server Role choose File Server then click Next and then Next.

2. On the File Server Indexing Service select Yes, leave Indexing Service Turned On click Next
3. Click Next until the window pops Share a Folder Wizard and then click Browser select the folder anywhere you want to share such as windows and then click Next.

4. Then click Next again to select a window pops Permission Have Full Access Administrators; Other Read-Only User Access and then click Finish.

5. Then return to the Manage Your Server and then select the Manage This File Server. After the File Server Management window appears right click on windows folder and select Properties.

6. Then select the Share Permissions and then click Add Advanced Find Now then select Ayang then click OK.

7. After that switch on Security and then click Add Advanced Find Now then select Ayang and then click OK.

8. Go back to the client and then open select My Network Place, then select Entire Network

9. Then select Microsoft Windows Network

10. Then open the YPK

11. Continue to select the YPK

12. Then double-click on the windows and the results are as shown below
13. If the File Server is successful then the shared folder can be opened as an example  

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