
Installing Debian 5 Server

1. Select Install
2. Select English language for the installation process

3. select the location you are
4. Select Asia

5. Choose Indonesia
6. Selects American Keyboard
7. Wait until the process is complete 
8. Eth0 as the Primary Network Interface 
9a. If DHCP is successful then proceed to 10 

9b. If DHCP fails
9c. To manually select a network configuration 
9d. Eth0 IP address: (example)
9e. Netmask: 
9f. Of the ISP Gateway: (example)
10. Select Yes

11. Name server address fill in your name
12. Hostname: debian  
13. Domain (fill in your domain name): smkypk.sch.id (example) 
14. When your region: Jakarta 
15-18. follow the pictures
 19. Select Yes
20.Wait until the process is complete
21. Create a password for root 
22. Repeat with the same password 
23. Write a new username
 24. Create a password for the user
26. Repeat with the same password 
 27-28. Select No

 29. Wait until the process is complete 
30. Standard system selected only

31. Select Yes

32. Installation is complete select Continue, the installation is complete

33. Next we will configure Automatic Proxy Server on Debian 5 Server are discussed in the next post after this post.

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