
Beautiful with Lime

Do not assume trivial sour taste of this fruit. Despite its small size, orange juice has enormous benefits for beauty!
Getting rid of Body Odor
Who is not lazy to go anywhere near the girl who had a problem with body odor? Anything as beautiful as her face but her body odor if not delicious aja bright girl or boy will go one by one ... then squeeze lemon juice mixed with whiting, and rubbed on the armpits. Apply 2 times a day every morning and evening. Allow to remain attached for some time before it washed.
Eliminating Dandruff
Shampoo containing lime potent believed to eliminate annoying dandruff. If you want to do it in a more traditional, 3 pieces of lemon squeeze and rub the juice on the scalp. Let stand for 25 minutes, then wash while shampooing. Repeat two to three times, guaranteed dandruff was reluctant to come back!
Cleaning the face
The oily face can make you look so dull not frivolous and was impressed, not fresh. Use of soap facial cleanser and moisturizer that contains lemon juice because the extract is proven to eliminate the problem of excess oil on the face.
Well now understand how big it is owned by the benefits of orange juice? and not only that tables of girls, for you who are ngejalanin diet program was recommended for consuming lemon water every day three times every morning, afternoon and evening because lime can help the digestion of fat in the body so no more hoarding and increase your weight. Not believe it? Reseller wrote itself ... :) Good luck


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