
The story of Nabi Idris a.s

Not much information is obtained about the story of Prophet Idris in the Quran nor in the books of Tafsir and the historical books of the prophets. In the Koran there are only two verses about the Prophet Idris is in surah Maryam verse 56 and 57:

"And mention (O Muhammad to them, the story of) Idris contained in the Koran. Surely he is a very correct and a prophet. 57 - And We raised him to high dignity." {Maryam: 56-57}
Prophet Idris is the sixth descendant of the Prophet Adam son of Yarid Qinan bin bin bin Mihla'iel Anusy bin Adam bin Syith and is the first descendant of a prophet prophetic dikurniai after Adam and Syith.Prophet Idris in history while living in Egypt, where he preached to the religion of monotheism and the worship of God taught to worship God and give some pendoman life for his followers in order to save themselves from punishment in the hereafter and the destruction and devastation in the world. He lived to the age of 82.
Among the few words of advice and pearls are: 
  1. Patience with faith in God to bring victory.
  2. Happy people are wary of people and expect the intercession of the Lord by his pious deeds.
  3. When you invoke Allah and pray something then it is your intention sincere as well as fasting and solatmu.
  4. Do not swear in the state you lie and do not close the oath of the person who lied to you do not ally them in sin.
  5. Obey your king and royal princes submit to your mouth and always fill your mouth with thanksgiving and praise to God.
  6. Envy thou not the good people of his fate, because they will not be much longer and enjoy the good fate.
  7. Anyone who goes beyond the simplicity of nothing would satisfy him.
  8. Without handing out favors to obtain a not thank God for the favors he earned it.
In relation to the word of Allah that Prophet Idris was appointed to the high dignity in his commentary Ibn Abi Hatim narrated bahawa Prophet Idris died when he was in the fourth heaven by an angel brought Wallahu a'alam bissawab

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