
The story of Nabi Nuh a.s

Nabi Nuh was fourth after Adam, Idris and Syith and ninth descendant of Nabi  Adam. His father was Lamik Metusyalih bin Idris bin.
Nuh's preaching to his people
Nuh's prophetic revelation of
Allah in the "fatrah" the gap between the two Apostles in which humans usually are gradually forgetting the teachings of the religion brought by Nabi  who left them and returned Shirk left the good deeds, to misguidance and vices led by the devil.Thus the people of Nabi Nuh did not escape from the process, so that when Nuh arrived in their midst, they were worshiping idols statues are made by their own hands was worshiped as a God-God can bring good and benefit, and refuse all the misery and misfortune. Dipertuhankan idols and by the belief that they have the power and authority over the man's magic gave the names of successive according to the will and taste of their folly. Sometimes they call their idols "Wadd" and "Chino", sometimes "Yaguts" and when it is bored replaced with the name "Yatuq" and "Nasr".Nuh preached to his people who are far astray by the devil, took their leave of shirk and idolatry and return to the monotheism worship the Lord God of hosts to the teachings of the religion revealed to him and left the misguidance and vices which are taught by Satan and demons.Nuh his kind attention to see that the universe was created by the God of the sky with the sun, moon and stars that decorate the earth with wealth above and below it, in the form of plants and flowing water that gives pleasure to human life, turn night into day and vice versa. All this became evident and tangible sign of the unity of God will be worshiped and not the idols which they make with their own hands. Besides Nuh also told them that there will be a reward to be received by humans over all deeds in the world is a haven for the practice of virtue and hell for any violations of the religious orders in the form of misguidance and vices.Which God gave Nuh the properties that should be possessed by a Prophet, eloquent and assertive in his words, wise and patient follow-horns in his message to his people carry out the task with patience and wisdom in a gentle knock on their conscience and sometimes with sharp words and harsh tones when dealing with the princes of his people's stubborn reluctance to accept the proof and the arguments presented to them that they can not deny it or break it.However, even though Nuh was trying to preach to his people as strong as its power with all the wisdom, skill and patience in every occasion, day or night by hiding or blatant and open only a few of his people to accept his message and followed his invitation, which, according while history does not exceed one hundred people. They consist of people who are poor social domiciled weak, while the rich people, dignitaries and prominent in society, which is the princes and rulers remained defiant, does not believe in Nuh, denied his message and not let go off occasionally their religion and their belief in their idols, they even tried to hold conspiracy paralyze and frustrate preaching of Nuh.They said to Nuh:"Would not you rather than us and only one is no different than us as human beings. If true God would send a messenger who brings His command, surely he would delegate his angel that we should listen to his words and we follow his call and not the man like you can just follow the people of low social position of workers as farmers, people who have not earned that for us they like the dregs of society. followers-followers are people who do not have the sharpness of the mind and brain, they follow blindly without thinking of the deaf and weigh sunggh really true or whether it's preaching and invitation. If you bring religion and the teachings that you provide to us is really true, surely we were the first to follow you and not the people who beg for followers followers it. We as community leaders who are good at thinking, own intelligence and a broad view and is seen as the community leaders, it is not easy for us to receive your invitation and dakwahmu. You do not have advantages over us on matters of civic and social life . We are much more intelligent and better informed than you about it all. our presumption against you, nothing else that you are not a lie. "Nuh said, answering scorn and mocked his people:"Did you think that I can force you to follow my teaching, or think that I have the power to make you people who believe if you still refuse ajakanku and still do not believe on the evidence of truth dakwahku and maintain convictions that are inspired by the lost pride and kecongkakkan position and possessions you have. I am only a man who got the mandate and given the task by God to convey His message to you. If you remain stubborn and unwilling to return to the right path and accept the religion of Allah that diutuskan them unto the God who will decide his punishment and his reward upon you. I'm just the messenger and His Messenger commanded to meyampaikan his mandate to his servants. He is the ruling gives guidance to you and forgive your sins or lower Allaah and His punishment upon you all when He wills. He is also a powerful lower-Allaah and His punishment of the world or menundakannya until days later. He is the creator of the universe is God, Almighty, Omniscient, Most Gracious and Most Merciful.Nuh suggests the condition by saying:"O Nuh! If you want us to follow you and to give impetus and encouragement to you and to the religion that you take, then put away your followers are made up of farmers, laborers, and slaves were bondsmen. Expel them from pergaulanmu because we can not get along with them sitting side by side with them to follow their way of life and join them in a religion and belief. And how can we accept a religion that mensama flatten the nobles and the laity, rulers and princes with their workers and the rich domiciled with the poor ".Nuh rejected the terms of his people and said:"Minutes and religion that I take is for everyone no exceptions, a clever or foolish, rich and poor, employer or union, between the rulers and ordinary citizens all have the same status and place of religion and the law of God. Had I meet you and grant your wish to get rid of that faithful followers, whom can I expect to continue dakwahku to other communities and how I got to the heart than I menjuhkan those who believe and accept dakwahku with confidence and sincerity between the time you reject it and deny it, people who have helped me in my job at a time when you impede and obstruct my efforts dakwahku. And how I can take responsibility for their actions pengusiranku against God when they complain that I have returned their loyalty and obedience to the contrary solely to meet the request and submit to your terms are not reasonable and can not be accepted by reasonable and healthy minds. Verily ye are the people who were thinking stupid and not healthy.In the end, because they are powerless no longer deny the truth of the words of Nuh and feel out the reasons and proof to continue the dialogue with him, then they said:"O Nuh! We have many bemujadalah and debate and dialogue as well as hear dakwahmu enough that it was dull. We still will not follow you and will not occasionally let our beliefs and customs so that there is no point will you repeat your invitation and preaching and arguing with us. Bring what you are actually people who keep their promises and words. We want to see the truth of your words and your threat in reality. Because we still do not trust you and keep doubting dakwahmu ".
Nuh despair of his kind
Nuh was in the midst of his people during the 950 years of preaching in communicating the message of God, inviting them to leave and return to worshiping idols pemyembahan and worship God the Almighty to lead them out of a false path and to the right path dark and light, they teach the law- Shari'ah law and religion revealed by God to him, elevating the oppressed and weak man to a level appropriate to the nature and qodratnya and try to eliminate the properties of arrogant and conceited are attached to the princes of his people and educate them to be filial, please help between fellow human beings. But in a long time that Nuh did not succeed to realize and draw his people to follow and accept their teachings, and worship God bertauhid except for a small group of his people who did not reach 100 people, although he has been carrying out their duties with all his efforts and energies as strong as with patient and the difficulties facing humiliation, ridicule and scorn his people, because he expects his time will come when his people will be aware of yourself and come to admit the truth and the truth of his message. Nuh would hope the awareness of his people were becoming more and more reduced and that the light of faith and piety will not penetrate the hearts of those who have been sealed by the teachings and promptings of the devil. That which Nuh intends to bring the word of God: "Surely no one than his people will follow you and believe except those who have followed and believed in advance, you shall not grieve for what they perbuatkan".With the affirmation of God's word, gone are the remaining hope of his people, and Nuh finished his patience. She begged God to Allaah lowers his head hard on his people and cried:"Ya Allah! Do not you let anyone than those who disbelieve are alive and living on this earth. They will try to mislead your servants, if you let them live and they will not give birth, and lower than children who commit adultery and child -a heathen like their children ".Prayer of Nuh and his request was granted by God and no longer need to be passed and ignored the question of his people, for they shall be punished by Allah drowned.
Making Nuh Ship
After receiving the command of God to make a boat, Nuh immediately gathered his followers and they begin to gather the necessary materials for this purpose, then to take place outside and some distance from the city and their keramaiannya diligently and assiduously worked day and night to complete construction of the vessel who ordered it.Although Nuh has been away from the city and its people in order to work in peace without interruption for the complete construction of the ship, but he did not escape the taunts and jeers of his people by accident or on purpose through the shipbuilding work. They mock and make fun by saying:"O Nuh! Since when you have become a carpenter and shipbuilder? Are not you a prophet and messenger according to confession, why now become a carpenter and shipbuilder. And the ship that you made it far away from the water it is you mean to pulled by water buffalo or expect wind will pull your boat into the sea ".And others mocking said Nuh received by the coldness and smiled as he replied: "Let's wait when the time comes, if you now mock and make fun of us it will be later came his time for us to mock you, and ye shall know the future to what we have prepared this ship. Wait time for Allaah and override the judgment of God upon you ".After completion of the work of shipbuilding which is the world's first marine transportation equipment, Nuh received a revelation from God:"Ready-prepared you are with your boat, when my order arrives and signs than me then immediately haul with you in your boat and your relatives and bring two pairs of every kind of creatures that exist on earth and sailed with my permission."Then tercurahlah of heaven and earth memancur of water in the rains and devastating floods sekelip eye has become a big hit around the towns and villages inundated dratan low and high to reach the top of the hills, so there is no shelter from the devastating flood waters unless Nuh's Ark which has been filled with the believers, and the couple being rescued by Nuh at God's command.With the accompaniment of "Bismillah wa majraha mursaha" Nuh's ship sailed rapidly along with the ocean, the wind is sometimes gentle, sometimes fierce and noisy. Portside Dikanan terlihatlah infidels struggling against a wave of high water trying to save himself from death cengkaman who is ready to pounce on them in the folds of the waves.When Nuh was on the weather deck and see the unbelievers of his people were lying on the surface of the water, suddenly terlihatlah her eldest son's body called "Kan'aan" pushed around by the waves drowned arise that do not have mercy on those who is receiving God's punishment. At that time without realizing it, there arose a feeling of love and affection of a father against son and sisters who are in a state of anxious faces a wave of death is swallowed.Nuh spontaneously, driven by conscience screamed with all her little son's voice calling:"O my son! Come over here and Join yourself with your family. Bertaubatlah you believe in Allah and that you are safe and protected from the danger of death that you are serving God."Kan'aan son Nuh who got lost and had been exposed to poison seduction and incitement Satan can chase his people were proud and stubborn and refused to call loudly calls his father who loved him with words of challenge:"Leave me and go, stay away from me, I'm not willing to take refuge on the deck of your boat, I could save myself a refuge on the hill that will not be reached by water flooding."He said:"Believe that the only place that can save you is to join us on this ship. Period there can be no escape from the punishment of God who had brought upon it except those who obtain mercy and His forgiveness".After Nuh drowned his words struck by a wave of vicious Kan'aan and they are gone from his eyes, tergelincirlah sea water down to follow his friends and the princes of his people who rebel against it.Nuh grieve and mourn the death of his son in an unbelieving infidels and pagans. He lamented and cried out to God:"My Lord! Indeed it is my son and my blood is part of the family and the real promise is a promise thee and thou art the Supreme Court is the Supreme Sovereign".He said:"O Nuh! Indeed his son was not including the family, because he has deviated from your teaching, breaking dakwahmu and refused orders to follow those who disbelieve rather than thousands. Coretlah family name from the list. Only those who have received dakwahmu follow your path and have faith to me, can you enter and classified into the family line of which I have promised his protection, and guaranteed the safety of his soul. As for those who deny the message, belie dakwahmu and have followed their desires and demands of the devil, they would surely perish serving a sentence which I have though they are set on a mountain top. So do not you sometimes ask about something that you do not know. I warn you not to belong to the class of people who are stupid ".Nuh realized soon after receiving a reprimand from God that the love of his affection to his son has made it forget God's promises and threats against those who disbelieve, including his own son. He realized that he lost when he called his son to save him from a flood that is driven by the feeling of connecting with the instincts of blood when his son should love and obey God must precede love of family and property. He deeply regrets the omission and kelupaannya it to Allah and beg His forgiveness and maghfirah by exclaiming:"Oh my God I seek refuge in You from the temptations of Satan can chase the damned, so forgive my negligence and I forgot to ask something that I do not know. My Lord if you do not give mercy and grace as well as lower maghfirah me, I would be the losers".After the flood peak of ferocity and ruined the people of Nuh who disbelieve and do wrong according to the will and law of God, surutlah ocean of water absorbed by the Earth ship Nuh then rely on the hill "Judie" to the accompaniment of God's command to Nuh:"Come down to the ground, O Nuh, you and the believers are with you safely and inayah overflowing blessing from my hand to you and for the people who go with you".
Story of Nuh in the Qur'an
 Al Quran tells the story of Nuh from paragraphs 1 to 28, also in Surah Hud verse 27 to 48 that tells the story of Nuh's dialogue with his people and orders of shipbuilding and the floods that hit the state of his people.

There Lessons From the Story of Nuh ASThat the relationship that exists between human beings because common bond of trust or naming aqeedah and the establishment is more closely and more memorable than the relationship because of ties of blood or birth. Kan'aan that although he is the biological child of Nuh,
Allah removed from his father because he had family ties and religious beliefs or different from what is espoused and preached by his father, even he is in a hostile and opposing parties.So in this sense can be understood by the word of Allah in the Qur'an that mean:"Indeed the believers are brothers".Similarly, the hadith that the Prophet intended to:"It is not a perfect one's faith unless he loves for his brother who believe as he loves for himself".Also proverb which says:"Sometimes you get a brother who is not born by your mother".

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