
Elementary Math Software For Kids

Sometimes very hard to train our children to learn counting addition, subtraction and multiplication division. and also very boring for the child to learn math. Parents are also confused how to teach children to be interested in a math lesson.

Match Edukator 
When we teach math to kids, but kids will get bored and too much paper is used for training.

Match Software is a software training educators of mathematics for elementary school children, where the software will be given simulation questions addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. So we can teach a child while playing, so he's not tired of the lesson.

Each calculation will be given a three-level

Level 1. For an easy
Level 2. For the medium
Level 3. to levels that are difficult

This software is very appealing to children, child shall not bored with the monotony of studying with paper calculations, this software is also very educational.
Hand_Right Download

1 comment:

  1. If you are searching for a math tutor for your child, you should know how important it is for your child to understand math. No matter what grade your child is in, there is math help for him or her.

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